
I am a freelance Creative Practitioner specialising in work as a composer, director, performer, workshop leader and photographer. My freelance work portfolio is diverse and I enjoy the multiplicity of my skillset. I am also Course Leader for Musical Theatre and a Lecturer in Music and Musical Theatre at York St. John University, York, UK.

I have a PhD in Composition - ‘The Dynamics of Mutuality in the Composer and Performer Relationship’ - from the University of York, where I studied with Professor Roger Marsh. As a composer, I am interested in people and how they shape my music. I prefer to collaborate when creating work and always aim for a person-centred, journey-led approach. For films of my work, please see my YouTube page and follow me on Instagram.

There is music from my Soundcloud on this site and the Gallery showcases my film photography. Research interests include collaborative, improvisational, autoethnographic and reflective processes, and narrative and embodied ways of knowing.

If you want to get in touch, please use the Contact page. Thanks for visiting!